Health Professional Consultation
Health professionals from any part of Newfoundland and Labrador are welcome to contact the foundation if they need support with a client struggling with an eating disorder. We will try to suggest resources for eating disorders or health professional contacts within the eating disorder community that would be of valuable help to you.
If you are a health professional and you know a carer (family) trying to help their loved one with an eating disorder please contact us at info@edfnl.ca to learn about the services for carers that we offer. The Foundation offers many resources and programs for families/carers including the Bridge to Hope: Education and Support group that has free teleconference access from anywhere in the province. We also offer a 4 session Emotion Focused Family Therapy workshop for families and a three and half-hour Emotion Coaching session. Please reach out to cathy@edfnl.ca for further information on these resources for any family/carer that you may be working with in your practice. Our programs are free to families.
At different times throughout the year we offer services to help educate health professionals related to eating disorders. Please check our EDFNL website and face book page for programs/services offered for health professionals.
If you would like to have more education about eating disorders you may also reach out to the foundation to be included in our mailing list for any future programs offered to health professionals. Contact Cathy Skinner at cathy@edfnl.ca.